Vaginal Rejuvenation in Lewiston
The in-office treatment for vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. Available only at the Lewiston Location
The personal lives of millions of women are interrupted by physical changes due to perimenopause, menopause, or even childbirth. These include:
Vaginal dryness
Painful intercourse
Sexual dysfunction
Urinary incontinence
These are distressing symptoms, but ones you no longer have to live with.
Thousands of women have experienced this treatment and many call it a Game Changer.
Our short, in-office procedure uses a clinical laser for vaginal rejuvenation and offers relief from vaginal laxity, dryness, and mild incontinence. Additional benefits include restored cell growth and elasticity.
As women age, our bodies produce less estrogen, and this can lead to disruptive changes in our bodies, and our relationships.
Many women find improvement in their symptoms after just one treatment. Vaguvenation can be used in combination with bioidentical hormones, with great success!
Contact us right now to schedule an appointment.
"When I first started considering the Mona Lisa procedure I was having problems with having to get up several times a night to go to the restroom, painful intercourse, lack of lubrication and significant vaginal atrophy. Even though I have only had two treatments I do not have to get up in the middle of the night anymore and there is better lubrication and not as much pain with intercourse. "
"It was so easy and painless! I suffered for years with pain with intimacy after my hysterectomy and I wasn't able to take hormones. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long to try the Mona Lisa Touch! I can now have intimacy without pain and feel like I am getting my life back"
"I signed up for Mona Lisa to help combat the obvious effects of post-menopausal aging. I was also aware that the Mona Lisa procedure could help with bladder incontinence but couldn’t quite be that hopeful. I’ve been having the bladder issue for almost 8 years and I’m only 59. Within the first three days of my first treatment, I noticed a HUGE improvement with the bladder issues. Coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, WOW …. No more wet pants. I was absolutely amazed."
"The Mona Lisa Touch has changed my life, I feel like a new woman, it's helped my relationship with my husband, it's helped my confidence"