7 Negative Effects of Having a Hormone Imbalance

7 Negative Effects of Having a Hormone Imbalance

Sometimes, when you don’t feel well, the cause is obvious. When the common cold or the stomach flu strikes, most people are quick to recognize their symptoms and work toward getting better. However, when you just feel a little off all the time, you might write it off as nothing and ignore your symptoms. 

Hormone imbalance can be tough to diagnose, especially when patients neglect their symptoms and forgo a doctor visit. Even when people realize that they’re not feeling their best, many don’t even consider that their doctor could treat their symptoms! Becoming hormonally balanced is not something our society frequently talks about, so it’s important to consider that your hormones may be to blame for your physical, mental, or emotional symptoms.

Hormone imbalances may be fairly common, but the symptoms may cause lasting effects that decrease your quality of life. Taking care of your endocrine glands—like your thyroid, reproductive system, pancreas, and adrenals—is crucial for your overall health. 

Finding balance can be as simple as identifying your symptoms and going to the doctor for treatment. Here are 7 common negative effects that can signal a hormonal imbalance.

1. Night Sweats

One of the most common indicators of a hormonal imbalance is hot flashes. While you might attribute hot flashes strictly to menopause, hormones gone haywire can lead to night sweats at any time. Alongside other symptoms, night sweats are common for people experiencing hyperthyroidism, low testosterone, and carcinoid syndrome. 

If you’re experiencing regular night sweats and have tried everything to get them to stop, you may have a hormonal imbalance. This unpleasant symptom may be the source of frustration, exhaustion, and appetite changes if your hot flashes lead to lost sleep. However, night sweats alone are not indicative of a hormone issue. 

2. Weight Gain

Discomfort from night sweats or other symptoms can lead to changes in appetite. However, your hormonal changes in and of themselves could be the culprit for unexpected weight gain, too. If your eating and exercising habits haven’t changed, your weight gain can indicate that your hormones are out of whack. 

Many hormonal issues can slow down your metabolism and make you pack on more pesky pounds. Hormonal therapy and treatment can help restore your natural metabolism. As your hormones regain their natural balance, you can shed stubborn belly fat and regain your natural energy. 

Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance can contribute to weight changes as well. Track your weight and your other symptoms to see if there’s a pattern you may not have noticed.

3. Stress or Anxiety

Higher than usual stress can cause or be the source of hormonal imbalance. Chronic stress often perpetuates hormone imbalance and can cause a number of issues in the body. Your stress could be the source of your mental health concerns or be exacerbating them if your hormones are out of balance. 

If you can feel your anxiety uncharacteristically ramping up, you likely have an imbalance. However, anxiety is something we don’t always label as a health symptom. Tracking your moods and your moments of stress or anxiety can help you see if there’s a pattern to present to your doctor. 

4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

Stomach and intestinal issues are often overlooked as a hormonal symptom. Changes in your bacterial system can cause a wide variety of digestion issues like bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and more. Since 95% of your serotonin is found in your gut, your mood can drastically shift when you’re dealing with digestive issues. 

Your stomach and intestines contain at least 30 neurotransmitters, so IBS and other digestion issues can be an early sign of hormone imbalance. Even shifting your diet can cause an imbalance, which your stomach will definitely notice. If you’re experiencing digestive issues, make sure to mention to your doctor any recent diet changes.

5. Hair Loss

Hair and nail changes, but especially hair loss, can be connected to a hormonal issue. Thyroid issues are often at fault for hair loss or dryness. They can also cause brittle and cracking nails. 

Many women also experience hair changes as their hormone levels shift. Higher testosterone levels can cause hair dullness, breaking, and hair loss. As women’s estrogen hormones vary during PMS and menopause, hair changes are a clear sign of hormone imbalance. 

6. Low Libido

If you’ve seen a shift in your sex drive, look to your hormones first. While sexual interest may vary in a long-term relationship, hormones may be the culprit if you’ve lost all interest in sex or have a sudden aversion to intimacy. Symptoms like vaginal dryness may contribute to a decreased libido. 

Often, if there has not been a shift in your relationship, hormones are at the source of libido changes. Whether your other symptoms are the reason for your missing libido or the other way around, getting your hormones tested can help you find answers. 

7. Exhaustion

Feeling fatigued is an important indicator that needs to be addressed. Contrary to popular belief, it is not normal to feel tired all the time, especially if your sleep habits haven’t changed. Sometimes exhaustion is caused by insomnia, which can also derive from hormone imbalance. 

If you’re losing sleep and frequently can’t get through the day without tons of caffeine, you need to seek medical attention. Many of the “normal” reasons we lose sleep, like anxiety, are also a sign of imbalance. If your tiredness has gone on for weeks or months, hormone issues may be to blame. 

Correct Your Hormone Imbalance and Start Feeling Better

The importance of hormones cannot be overstated, so staying hormonally balanced is the key to living a healthy life. If you’re experiencing two or more of these symptoms, there’s a good chance you have a hormone imbalance. Addressing this imbalance with a doctor can help you get back on track to a happy and healthy life. 

If you’re experiencing a hormonal imbalance in Idaho, you’re in luck! We know how to balance hormones in almost any circumstance. Bio-identical hormone replacement can offer relief from your symptoms and help restore your body’s natural order. 

Reach out to schedule your appointment and start your healing path today.


7 Ways Hormonal Imbalances Affect Your Health


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